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taking little ones to movie theaters

Taking little ones to see the latest children's movies in theaters can be stressful, but it can also be a lot of fun. How do you prepare your little one for over an hour sitting in a dark, noisy theater for a movie that they just might love? Is there anything you should take with you? Are there foods you should be prepared to buy at the concession stand? How do you prevent those runs to the restroom during the best parts of the movie? Visit through my blog to find out how our family has successfully taken our little ones to enjoy the awesome new releases in theaters.


taking little ones to movie theaters

Lessons In Responsibility From Animated Superheroes

by Tony Larson

The massive popularity of live-action superhero movies and television programs is leading to even more comic book based projects being developed. Sony Studios has issued a green light for an animated Spider-Man film and the feature is to be marketed towards very young kids. Parents could use the Spider-Man project or, for that matter, any other superhero animated film as a very good vehicle to teach children the importance of having a good moral compass.  

The Perennial Spider-Man Theme

Back in 1962, Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, Spider-Man's creators, concluded the first appearance of the character with the oft-repeated quote "With great power comes great responsibility." This thematic statement suggests a person with special abilities should understand those talents should be used for the betterment of others and not just for personal gain. Parents who relate this theme to children after watching an animated hero film could turn "throwaway" entertainment into a vital learning tool for little ones.  

Explaining Positive Themes

Young children who watch upcoming animated movies might not fully grasp the themes presented in these features. So, parents have to try to explain the themes in an easy-to-understand manner. Simply repeating the events in the movie is not going to help. A bit of "critical analysis" is required to effectively get the theme across to youngsters.

When Spider-Man feels he is too important to stop the burglar who later goes on to kill his Uncle Ben, the wall-crawler comes to the realization his failure to use his powers for good led to dire consequences. A young child may slightly grasp this scene, but is probably not going to be able to relate it in real-life terms. This is where adults have to do a little explaining. Ways to help explain these themes could include:

  • Just because you may be bigger and stronger than other kids does not mean you should bully them.
  • Getting better grades than your peers does not mean it is okay to look down on their abilities.
  • Being fitter than a classmate does not make you superior in any way.

In short, parents can use the lessons presents in the films to show young ones why being kind, considerate, and humble is the way to go in life.

Here Come The Bad Guys

Of course, the presentation of villains in these films also provide tools for learning. The jail sentence the bad guy gets in the end certainly shows being irresponsible with powers has bad consequences.

Regardless of how animated hero films (like those from Rotoscopers) are used as a learning tool, consider it important to always take the opportunity to actually use them.
